Californians for Toxic-Free Fire Safety
New California 'Right to Know' Proposed Bill Requires Labeling of Furniture with Toxic Flame Retardants March 27, 2014 More
Historic Announcement! CA Approves Toxic Free Fire Safety Regulation!
November 21, 2013 Read Advisory
Meet amazing California Heroes fighting toxic chemical flame retardants in new HBO documentary, a "Toxic Hot Seat," airing September 25, 2013, 9pm. Host a viewing party! Meet our Heroes in our News Advisory
New CA Bill supports fire safety without the use of toxic flame retardant chemicals in building insulation. Read more about AB 127, was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown.
Historic Announcement: CA TB117-2013 - Governor Brown's New Fire Safety Regulation -without Toxic Chemicals
March 26 2013 BEARFTHI Hearing -Showdown with Chemical Industry and Health Advocates Over Toxic Flame Retardants
Watch Hearing
Read News Release
One of the biggest factors in the use and proliferation of halogenated chemicals in the world is an obsolete California regulation, called Technical Bulletin 117 or TB 117. This requires manufacturers to, de facto, use halogenated chemicals marketed as flame retardants to meet a flame test for foam in furniture.
Many Californians have been working hard to update TB 117 so that dangerous halogenated chemicals don't have to be used in foam for products made for sale in California.
Some of these groups include:
Recent Articles About California and Halogenated Flame Retardant Chemicals
In the News October 2011 - May 2012
Click here for more blogs, stories, and info on the Chicago Tribune Series on Flame Retardants & Industry Deception May 5, 2012 - May 11, 2012
California Focused Studies
Flame Retardant bans work, new study of pregnant women in San Francisco. UCSF and George Washington University September 30, 2013 Read EHN article
Common Flame Retardant Linked to Social, Behavioral and Learning Deficits UC Davis. Mice genetically engineered to be susceptible to autism-like behaviors that were exposed to a common flame retardant were less fertile and their offspring were smaller, less sociable and demonstrated marked deficits in learning and long-term memory when compared with the offspring of normal unexposed mice, a study by researchers at UC Davis has found. February 16, 2012
A Comparison of PBDE Serum Concentrations in Mexican and Mexican-American Children Living in California, Environmental Health Perspectives October 2011
Study Finds High Levels of Flame Retardant Chemicals in California Pregnant Women, UCSF, August 10, 2011
Studies find remarkably high levels of flame retardants in California's children. Environmental Health News May 3, 2010 (Studied girls ages 2-5 years in Ohio and California)
News Advisories
Webinar for Reporters June 20th, Noon Pacific on California's Flame Retardant Problem
Chemical Industry Front Group Exposed; Deceitful Tactics Promote Toxic Flame Retardant Chemicals State Legislatures Targeted, Fall Victim May 9, 2012
Chicago Tribune Investigation Reveals Questionable Chemical Industry Tactics to Promote Toxic Flame Retardant Chemicals May 8, 2012
Recent Stories, Blogs
California Acts to Make Couches Safer, Healthy Child, Healthy World's Margie Kelly's Huffington Post Blog July 9. 2012
How to reduce your exposure to flame retardants, Dr. Jason Eberhart-Phillips Marin Independent Journal July 9, 0212

San Francisco Chronicle Tom Meyer
Is Your Sofa Safe? June 28,2012 Los Angeles Times Editorial
New policy on flame retardants June 28, 2012 Chico News Review
California Moving to New Rules on Flame Retardants, June 27, 2012 California Report
Key agency moves to scrap rules that made toxic flame retardant common in U.S. furniture June 26, 2012 Chicago Tribune
Chemicals in furniture target of Calif. lawmakers June 26, 2012 San Francisco Chronicle
Is Your Couch Trying to Kill You ? June 25, 2012 Bloomberg Editorial
FF Cancer Risk Cited in Bid to Reform Flame Retardant Standard June 25, 2012, California Professional Firefighters Blog
State lawmakers zero in on chemicals in furniture June 25, 2012 San Francisco Chronicle
Upholstery Peril June 22, 2012 The Daily Journal
San Jose Mercury News editorial: Californians should be doing a slow burn on toxic flame retardants June 20, 2012
Can Governor Brown Snuff Out Flame Retardants? Rachel Sarnoff in Huffington Post June 20, 2012
Governor Brown's Decision to reduce Toxic Flame Retardants is Great News -- for Us and the Environment KCET June 20, 2012
Editorial: Gov. Brown takes needed action on toxic flame retardants Sacramento Bee June 19, 2012
Cut toxic flame retardant use in furniture, Gov. Jerry Brown tells agencies Contra Costa Times June 19, 2012
Governor seeks to cut toxic chemicals in furniture San Francisco Chronicle June 19, 2012
Gov. Brown wants changes to flammability standards ABC 7/AP June 19, 2012
California governor directs state to revise furniture FR standards Furniture Today June 19, 2012
Governor Wants Fire Retardants Out of California Couches Bay Citizen June 19, 2012
Consumer Group Asks California Regulators To Investigate Flame Retardant Industry For Possible Violation Of California Law Furniture World June 19, 2012 |
Jerry Brown urges reduction of toxic flame retardants in furniture Sacramento Bee June 18, 2012
Governor Brown Asks Regulators To Revise Flammability Standards Capitol Radio June 18, 2012
Governor Orders Change in State Policy on Flame Retardants in Furniture KQED Radio June 18, 2012
Calif. Governor Brown Directs State Agencies to Revise Flammability Standards Fire Engineering June 18, 2012
Consumer Federation of California Applauds Governor Brown's Call to Revise Toxic Flammability Standards Sacramento Bee June 18, 2012
Brown To Revise Fire Retardant Guidelines Environmental Working Group June 18, 2012
Governor orders reduced use of toxic flame retardants in furniture Bay Citizen June 18, 2012
Brown administration studies fire-retardant toxicity LA Times June 18, 2012
New Calif. standards could reduce flame retardants
Gov. Brown wants to revamp rule national manufacturers follow; chemical industry continues fight Chicago Tribune June 18, 2012
Ca Governor Speaks Out, Sarah Janssen's Blog
Consumer Group: Investigate Flame Retardant Industry For Possible Violation Of California Law Sacramento Bee
Sarah Janssen's Blog, The tragic truth about one doctor's lies revealed
Chicago Tribune blows lid off flame retardant chemical deception Consumer Federation of California